Media psychology
Role models and social influence
Digital and social media
Communicating science, health, environment, and risk (ComSHER)
Have you ever watched a movie or read a book that left you feeling uplifted and inspired? My program of research is dedicated to exploring the impact of such uplifting and inspiring media on individual and societal health and well-being. I am particularly interested in answering essential research questions within the realm of positive media psychology, a field dedicated to examining how media consumption can lead to thoughts, feelings, and behaviors that foster individual well-being and flourishing. Much of my research is conducted with the goal of developing public health campaigns that promote prosocial behaviors. Examples of my latest research include exploring how role model stories can inspire health and how individuals use social media to educate, inspire, and influence others’ health beliefs and behaviors.
O'Donnell, N. H., Austin, E. W., Sutherland, A., Mu, D., Sheftel, A., & Bolls, P. (2024). Evaluating and enhancing the efficacy of CDC vaccine message dissemination among health educators. Extended abstract submitted for presentation to the Health Communication Division of the National Communication Association, New Orleans, LA.
O’Donnell, N. H. & Mu, D. (Sept 2023). Misinformation correction cues: Fostering critical thinking or fueling fake news fatigue? Paper presented to MediaPsych23. Luxembourg City, Luxembourg.
O'Donnell, N. H., Erlichman, S. R., Nickerson, C. G. (Aug 2023). Health motivation in the influencer era: Analyzing entertainment, personal, and social media role models. Paper presented to AEJMC. Washington, DC, USA.
Jerin, S. I., O'Donnell, N. H. & Mu, D. (Aug 2023). Promoting hope, sadness, or fear? Evaluating mental health message appeals on TikTok. Paper presented to AEJMC. Washington, DC, USA.