• Media psychology

  • Role models and social influence

  • Digital and social media

  • Communicating science, health, environment, and risk (ComSHER)

Research Interest: Testing how advocacy message strategies differ based on the nature of the outcome in question

Much of my research focuses on effective message design for health and environmental campaigns. Advocacy campaigns often promote the adoption of prosocial behaviors or the reduction of harmful behaviors. I’ve conducted several studies that explore how design strategies differ based on whether a message targets a one-time behavior, maintained behavior, or the refusal, cessation, or adoption of a behavior. Types of message strategies I’ve recently tested include norm corrective messages, role model stories, and messages that vary based on responsibility attribution.

Research Interest: Exploring how scientists can best communicate unseen hazards

I am interested in understanding how scientists can best communicate unseen hazards, such as water pollution and contamination, that are invisible to the naked eye. One of my long-term goals is to develop a theoretical model that addresses how to overcome the barriers of communicating invisible hazards. I am the primary investigator on a three-year project funded by a Virginia Department of Environmental Quality grant that explores this inquiry. This year my grant team partnered with Friends of the Lower Appomattox River and Virginia Outside to provide citizen water quality monitoring training to underserved community members. We are also working with community members to communicate how to safely dispose of opioids and other prescriptions. Details about our grant can be found at



O’Donnell, N. H. & Mu, D. (Sept 2023). Misinformation correction cues: Fostering critical thinking or fueling fake news fatigue? Paper presented to MediaPsych23. Luxembourg City, Luxembourg.

O'Donnell, N. H., Erlichman, S. R., Nickerson, C. G. (Aug 2023). Health motivation in the influencer era: Analyzing entertainment, personal, and social media role models. Paper presented to AEJMC. Washington, DC, USA.

Jerin, S. I., O'Donnell, N. H. & Mu, D. (Aug 2023). Promoting hope, sadness, or fear? Evaluating mental health message appeals on TikTok. Paper presented to AEJMC. Washington, DC, USA.